Source: via Rita on Pinterest I admire creative thinking inside the box or in this case in the cube. ... read more

Source: via Rita on Pinterest I admire creative thinking inside the box or in this case in the cube. ... read more
by jeanie 4 Comments
Have you ever had one of those interior decor epiphanies after looking at same design element for the 6205th time? Recently I noticed all the potential hair images I had been collecting years ago and realized that with Pinterest, these dusty & outdated tearsheets were obsolete. What I really needed was a better way to store my growing ... read more
I have a love/loathe relationship with creating client scrapbooks, truthfully anyone’s scrapbook; at least I am being financially rewarded for my efforts with a client. I love designing a pictorial assemblage of a vacation or celebration with photos, mementos and souvenirs. Matching papers and sourcing decorative elements that coordinate with the ... read more
I am just mad for decorative tape, although I never felt justified in purchasing a roll of the novelty versions I had seen in stores – if I am exerting the effort to post a package, I am certainly not spending addition time and creative energy in lavishly decorating the mailing box – that dedication is allocated to the gift. At least that was my ... read more
A few months ago I had posted a photojeanie blog about a unique and innovated photo collage created for my mother who had celebrated a monumental birthday. Well, my father had one as well – in the same week turning the same age. As much as Daddy enjoys a cup of tea, I couldn’t present him with a visual time capsule set in porcelain. He needed ... read more
I love when I get to play partyjeanie and photojeanie for the same audience. Not only do have an opportunity to craft a truly personalized and individualized celebration for someone special, but I also get to design and execute a memorable and specific scrapbook that captures the essence of the occasion. A great way to involve all the guests is ... read more
by jeanie 4 Comments
I like to share, contradictory to what my astrological sign states or anyone’s spoon that might find its way in my ice cream sundae, I really do enjoy exchanging information, ideas and experiences with anyone seeking my expertise. Although it may seem foolhardy to provide detailed instruction how to create the candy coating deliciousness that is ... read more
This past week I attended BUST magazine’s Craftacular. This event has evolved considerable from its humble beginnings some years ago. Then the emphasis was on yarn work, which isn’t surprising as Debbie Stoller, the magazine’s editor-in-chief also is the author of a slew of knitting books. This year’s holiday fair seemed to draw a diverse coterie ... read more
by jeanie 3 Comments
As a photo archivist, I am often questioned about my methods of photo application. Do I like photo corners - no, unpredictable and still require addition adhesive. Glue sticks collect debris and do not posses the bonding agent to provide fixative longevity. Photo archival double stick tape works well on larger formats, but is time consuming to ... read more
Everyone LOVES to display photos; unfortunately not everyone does it well. A collection of mismatched frames arranged on every single surface area in one's home doesn't convey the sense of family and friend pride, but someone who isn't capable of editing and maybe a little insecure. Photographs are mini (in most cases) 2 dimensional time ... read more