Go see it. 'Nuff said. ... read more

Go see it. 'Nuff said. ... read more
It has been an interesting week in lower Manhattan. Living with 2 bulldogs without electricity, heat, water & internet/cell service has given me a lot of time to contemplate candle light. For those who know me, are aware of my weird dislike of candles, so when faced with no lights for 5 days, I was a tad under prepared compared to my more ... read more
Last night I was working on my 19th bowl of the world's most delectable popcorn brainstorming, not successfully as to what would be an appropriate & accurate concept for today's post. As I looked down at the depleted bowl, I realized there is probably nothing more that I obsess over than popcorn during street fair season. Like an addict, I ... read more
Earlier this week I succumbed to the plea for a crafter's how-to spray paint which outlines the basic steps to successfully avoid painting with a brush and achieve a flawless finish. Today's post is a follow-up consisting of suggestions and advice that I have amassed from years of being under the influence of aerosol paint inhalants. helpful ... read more
I've been painting with a spray can since I was a budding crafter assisting my father on home projects. I've always consider spray painting a cop out or lazy alternative to the paint brush - hasn't stopped me from hoarding cans, but led me to believe skill was not a requirement, unlike those of a graffiti artist. The apartmentjeanie etsy shop is ... read more
Lately I've been motivated to start building lamps, light fixtures & chandeliers. Every random street cast off I spy gets careful consideration if it can be crafted into a light source. Of course I have yet to actually buy a lamp kit and create something brilliant, but I am tripping over the abundance of inspiration whether it is a wall ... read more