Everyone who has a home most likely has a place to store books – whether it is a cabinet, custom built-ins, wall shelves or in my father’s case when he was in college – the refrigerator. The structure that houses one’s library should be organized in a personalized manner as to reflect the style of the homeowner.
If placed properly, books can be transformed into decorating accessories. This is specifically true of the color blocking method. Although I personally cannot handle this aesthetically gratifying approach, I do commend and covet those that can. The overall look is dynamic, clean and super chic.
In a previous apartmentjeanie post, I demonstrated ways to alter an inexpensive bookcase by papering the back panel and adding ribbon along the edge of the shelves to create an interesting and individualized look. The paper (or paint) draws the eye in and establishes a sense of depth.
Bookshelves can and should showcase more than literature. Interspersing ornaments and personal effects amongst the tomes will break up the monotonous look of titles on spines. The opportunity to feature collections, artwork and mementos will only enhance the appeal of the library.
Sometimes shelf space is a premium and to accommodate more publications a little creative display work is required. By juxtaposing books horizontally as well as vertically not only is there greater storage capacity, but also the books now have an architectural element. Stacking a few volumes can act as a stage for an objet d’art.
Unless the bookcase extends to the ceiling, utilizing the top for display purposes is an excellent method to draw the eye upward. Constructing a vignette not only makes good use of surface space it serves as icing on the cake. This is a functioning container for storage, but also a finished and polished piece of furniture.
Whatever method of arrangement is applied, it is important to be selective in the editing process. Not every book read should be displayed and leaving a little room for new additions will make for less clutter later.
Gotta book.
Nicely done blog. Not much design skill needed to store books in a fridge, maybe more of a placement skill. Who’s is the floor to ceiling home.
Love Daddy