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Seriously, aren't you obsessed with this too?! My ab fab neighbors, who I sorely miss bequeathed me this kitschy red nosed nite light as they packed & purged the contents of their apartment. As a professional organizer, I try to refrain from accepting others' cast-offs (unless I can turn a profit), but only a cold heart Ebeneezer would refuse ... read more
I believe I'm rather industrious when it comes to my hoarding practices. When I accepted that my empty frame affliction was in need of an intervention, I created an Etsy store. And after years of saving bits of wrapping paper - too big to trash, but too small to use, I've found a crafty & creative solution to salvage the scraps. The past few ... read more
My mild infatuation with Instagram has been well documented in this blog, but Stitchtagram takes it to obsession status. Seriously how perfect is this personalized pillow?! Since I know my sister doesn't read my blog, I'm going to be reckless and post her Christmas present too. (If you are reading this Kim, not to worry there will be something ... read more
Years ago one of my bffs thought we should open a store together - we have similar sensibilities, style and both are entrepreneurial. Owning a store is not playing store however, my real fear is that I wouldn't be able to create an interesting & dynamic space. The kind that not only entices you to buy, but never leave. This fear is a tad ... read more
In the month that has passed since Sandy has hit (then demolished) our shore, I've been contributing to the relief efforts in small, but valid ways. A friend who is an animal owner received a donation made in her name to the Humane Society's Sandy fund as a birthday present. Blankets from my childhood bed, a comforter from bedding 2 apartments ... read more