To say I am currently obsessed with Instagram would be a mild and inaccurate understatement. My desire to expose the non-app'd to the joy that is crisp digital photography that has been manipulated to look like tonal muted vintage photography is limitless. A few weeks ago while in Portland, I had commandeered absolute strangers' phones (mostly ... read more
heche en Mexico by way of the East Village
Anyone who as entered my home, watched my Small Space Big Style episode or been within earshot of me at a Mexican mercado knows I'm mad for oil cloth. The combination of colors, the juxtaposition of fruit & flowers and the diversity of choice is so appealing that I can't quite control myself when I see it. Years ago, I happened upon a stash ... read more
from trash to treasure in 30 seconds
It will probably take longer for me to write this post than it took for me to create a sweet magnet board from a discarded cookie tin found on the trash pile my dogs were scouting as a potential toilet - that included bringing home & thoroughly cleaning. This cookie tin caught my eye as the *tempting* selection seemed so dated and it was - ... read more
happy valentine’s day
If you're are regular reader of my irregular posts, then you've probably surmised that I'm a sucker for candy, hearts and anything that is red or pink which for no other reason is why Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. Even the years I'm without a sweetheart (but with 2 Bulldogs, am I really?) I still get excited about the aesthetics of the ... read more
neighborhood watch
There had been one book in particular on my amazon wish-list for a couple of years to which I was often nonplussed and simultaneously perplexed as to why it had yet to be purchased on my behalf. Well, I guess more specifically why my father had failed to snap it up, as he seems to be the only one who routinely checks and procures from my reading ... read more
party for the mouth, feast for the eyes
I finally had the opportunity to dine at Tipsy Parson located in Chelsea – I guess the opportunity had always been available I just hadn’t taken advantage. The restaurant is in close proximity of an art gallery I frequent and last night I insisted on booking a table after the opening party. Accompanied by my equally eager companion who I will ... read more