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My mild infatuation with Instagram has been well documented in this blog, but Stitchtagram takes it to obsession status. Seriously how perfect is this personalized pillow?! Since I know my sister doesn't read my blog, I'm going to be reckless and post her Christmas present too. (If you are reading this Kim, not to worry there will be something ... read more
For those that follow apartmentjeanie on instagram may have notice I have a penchant for photographing my perfectly executed manicures. But this current creation is a definite fav. I literally cannot stop staring at my crimson tipped talons. Somehow the dripping blood is chic & creepy at once. If this is the pre-Halloween hand - I'd better ... read more
A show of hands, how many of you print your instagram pix? That's what I thought. With so many photo apps available that allow you to order prints seconds after you snapped them, it's perplexing as to why people are content to keep the images squired away in the phone gallery. Perhaps the unconventional size of instagram & ... read more
To say I am currently obsessed with Instagram would be a mild and inaccurate understatement. My desire to expose the non-app'd to the joy that is crisp digital photography that has been manipulated to look like tonal muted vintage photography is limitless. A few weeks ago while in Portland, I had commandeered absolute strangers' phones (mostly ... read more