While in the midst of writing today’s apartmentjeanie blog post, admittedly 24hours late, I received a phone call from my mother. As she prattled on about her work, I took advantage of the time to catch up on my online magazine viewing. I have been resistant to this ever-increasing trend in periodicals – especially with respect to design publications.
I love pouring over, absorbing and ultimately ripping out pages of magazines. There is something gratifying and productive about removing what is resourceful and disposing of the rest that clearly can only be done with traditional forms of print. I have a stack of spiral bound books covering 2 decades of tear sheets that serve as inspiration for every facet of my work. On line magazines left me frustrated, unsatisfied and unfulfilled.
Until this evening, I hadn’t really allocated a lot of time to Lonny, even though I had been a subscriber for the past year. Lonny almost bridges the gapping hole that was once Domino. There are informative articles, innovative resources and beautiful layouts. I only wish I could figure out if there is a page filing system in lieu of emailing articles to myself.
Even though paper-producing glossies may be environmentally unfashionable, I thoroughly enjoy perusing them. Reading a virtual magazine feels like work, even if performed in bed, on the Ipad while eating ice cream.
What’s your take on this issue?
Somewhere in between the pages,
While I love the immediacy of online resources, there IS something gratifying about perusing through a glossy design magazine, viewing the oversized photos and collecting them in a “wish book” journal (which I do). My recent favorite is Architectural Digest…so fun to drool over the homes.
did you see this NY Times article today?