A show of hands, how many of you print your instagram pix? That’s what I thought. With so many photo apps available that allow you to order prints seconds after you snapped them, it’s perplexing as to why people are content to keep the images squired away in the phone gallery. Perhaps the unconventional size of instagram & hipstamatic photos doesn’t lend itself to the format of traditional 4×6 albums. Or is it making an album is too time consuming?
Either way, Rag & Bone Bindery’s instabook is going to have you looking for excuses to make albums – for everyone! Rag & Bone have always produced exceptional scrapbooks and their accordion is picture perfect. The 10 page book is ideal for creating a quick memento of a memorable moment. Craft an image filled thank you as a post hostess gift, a combo birthday card & present or documentation of your favorite foods from your vacation. I guarantee you’ll be ordering the small square format book by the box load – at least I have.
Go on and make your Blackberry tapping friends jelly of your William Eggleston eye & execution with a souvenir of your big Saturday night out.
What a great gift idea! Thanks, photojeanie!