I knew Austin was going to be a fun trip, but I didn’t expect it to be a perfect one! From Faith No More‘s ‘We Care A lot’ playing in JFK’s security area to being seated next to on-line marketing guru, Bryan Eisenberg who basically made me write the outline for my book about the passion of collecting on the flight home, it had been a stellar weekend holiday.
Since I was far too busy riding dirty on a Segway, 2 stepping, eating tacos & BBQ and purchasing an unseemly amount of t-shirts to post during my mini vacay, I’ll be flooding the blog with all the sights and tastes of my new favorite city, Austin.
Yeehaw ya’ll!
kinda liked what you have written . it just is not that easy to discover great stuff to read (you know really READ and not simply going through it like a zombie before going to yet another post to just ignore), so cheers man for really not wasting my time on the god forsaken internet.