As a photo archivist, I am often questioned about my methods of photo application. Do I like photo corners – no, unpredictable and still require addition adhesive. Glue sticks collect debris and do not posses the bonding agent to provide fixative longevity.
Photo archival double stick tape works well on larger formats, but is time consuming to place and peel the backing – plus the corners often slip underneath the nail bed creating painful little cuts which becomes excruciating after hours of repetitive peeling. Glue Dots are my preferred and coveted mucilage of choice.
Not only do Glue Dots come in various sizes and strengths, but also they can be gently removed without damaging either surface, which is excellent when a photo is a millimeter off. Once the dot execution is mastered, it can shave hours off application time. (This is probably most pleasing to my clients.)
They are photo safe and have superior sticking power. They can hold a myriad of materials from paper, buttons, ribbon and wood. The only product in the craft division that fails to meet the photojeanie stamp of awesomeness is the “continuous glue lines”. My repeated attempts have been unsuccessful.
So if you are someone who sends heavy stock holiday cards with an actual photograph attached to the front – Glue Dots are your only option. They are quick, easy, reliable and cost effective. A dot in each corner will do you. The most efficient process is to hold the roll in one hand and tap the corners of the photograph with the other hand along the ribbon.
I promise, once you experience Glue Dots you will never consider another photo adhesive. EVER.
Keep it crafty.
I notice your package of Glue Dots is for 300. Office Depot is listing 60 for $2.29 which seems high. Can you please tell me a good source?
hi helen,
in my experience oriental trading has the best pricing on the entire glue dots line. the glue dots sales rep had directed me to the site many years ago. thanks for the inquiry!
what brand of glue dots do you use specifically?